Deconstructing Eden: Virgo Review

This is Virgo from Deconstructing Eden's Zodiac collection. Click here for more Deconstructing Eden reviews! 

Virgo - Dark amber, Bulgarian rose absolute, lavender maillette, orris root, benzoin, dark fruits, and bourbon vanilla.

While wet, this scent is a beautiful sweet burst of delicate Bulgarian rose, with a delicate touch of dark, sticky benzoin and a touch of boozy vanilla, and its very sweet and delicate in the first half. It dries down to a darker, resinous amber, with dark, sappy molasses syrupy textures, and a bitter, rich bourbon flecked with vanilla seeds. Paired with over-ripened figs and pear, and a touch of dirt, this is a lovely, moody, heady scent - giving me woodsy goddess vibes. I really enjoy DE's rose notes, I think there's a really exquisite lovely syrupy freshness to it, but for me, this scent is intoxicating and cloying in its intensity with the heaviness of the fruit and amber. I would love sniffing this on someone else, but it's a little too much for me personally. 


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