NCD: Winter Warmth Review

A solitary Yule scent review as I wasn't able to pick up too many of the Yule scents this year! I had my eye on this one for a while, and am pleased to be able to share my thoughts on this one. Thank you as always to Joshua and Forest at Nui Cobalt Designs for sending this press sample through for me to try!

Winter Warmth - A cozy potion for comfort and soothing. Earl Grey Tea with brown sugar and oat milk, sprinkles of nutmeg, ginger root, and allspice with the gentle smolder of cedarwood and mahogany.

This scent feels like the warmth of an open fire, a wooden house and the crackling of dried spices. While wet, this scent is almost entirely heady, dry spices and a worn old wooden cupboard, the dry down brings out the smoothness of the oat milk and Earl Grey tea, paired with a slight hint of sweetness - a sort of cinnamonesque, spiced sugar glaze. For those who have tried Crone's Cottage, this is very much a similar profile with its sweeter aspects, although the opening and base notes of this are much darker and richer with the heaviness of the cedarwood and the mahogany. I like to think of Crone's Cottage as the an autumn kitchen witch, while Winter Warmth is the actual cottage the witch lives in - giving much more of an atmospheric, woody quality simmering underneath the sweetness of the scent. Personally, I prefer Crone's Cottage for the sweeter, gourmand profile, but NCD has perfected the art of 'gourmands for people who fear gourmands', and this is absolutely one of those moments. 


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